Saturday, February 13, 2010

On Internet

Been wanting to write on this forever. Then came across a much better resource - which i'm yet to read - On the Internet (Thinking in Action) by Hubert L. Dreyfus

Lemme copy paste the description. Helps keep things in context.
Can the internet solve the problem of mass education, and bring human beings to a new level of community? Drawing on a diverse array of thinkers from Plato to Kierkegaard, On the Internet argues that there is much in common between the disembodied, free floating web and Descartes' separation of mind and body. Hubert Dreyfus also shows how Kierkegaard's insights into the origins of a media-obsessed public anticipate the web surfer, blogger and chat room. Drawing on studies of the isolation experienced by many internet users and the insights of philosopher such as Descartes and Kierkegaard, Dreyfus shows how the internet's privatisation of experience ignores essential human capacities such as trust, moods, risk, shared local concerns and commitment.

The second edition includes a brand new chapter on ‘Second Life’ and is revised and updated throughout.
Dreyfus is good whom i came to know when looking for something related to a reading on Heidegger. His Podcasts are so popular. More after reading the book.

Google is making a fortune out of it - building an empire - while we are happily amusing ourselves to death ;) - like the television of our times.

When there was no internet for about 1 1/2 days during the recent snow storm, it was like - the world was switched off - could not work from home - and the whole freakin' life was falling apart - not able to know how SA thrashed India in the 1st test ;) The storm and not being able to leave the house or the food or anything else doesn't matter..!. It's the not having the internet - the virtual world of not just information - holed in a one br apt. that we can not live without...!

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